What does fat do for our body?

Fat is good for us...if it's the right type of fat and in moderation.

What does fat do for our body?

* Provides energy
* Helps keep us insulated
* Protects our organs from shock
* Helps our body use carbohydrates and proteins better

The fat to avoid comes mainly in the form of saturated fat. When you consume red meat, chocolate, or butter, you're taking in saturated fat. This fat is solid at room temperature but quickly turns liquid upon consumption and thus lodges itself along your arteries. Over time, this can lead to heart disease.

Safer fats to consume include the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These include

* Olive oil
* Flaxseed oil
* Sunflower oil
* Nuts and seeds
* Cold water, fatty fish

Some fat in the diet is essential for great health, but too much, especially saturated fat, dramatically increases the risks for chronic diseases.

Take care!


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