You see, every time I bake a chiffon cake it turns out well except that the top half tends to be rather compact. It's not loose or springy as it should be. Why is this so?
I thought it was because the bottom part was not mixed properly but even though I mix the batter well before pouring it in the tin, the cake still does not turn out right. I have tried making the cake several times but each time I get the same result. I hope you can help me solve this problem as I am a very keen cake-maker and I would try a recipe several times to get good results. But this time I have to really seek your help as no one seems to be able to help me. (Chiffon cake is my daughter's favourite.)
The success of chiffon cake depends on incorporating as much air into the batter as possible. Pay attention to beating the eggs and sugar, folding in the flour and filling the cake pan.
If the eggs are separated, it is essential to whisk the egg yolk or egg white until light, white and very fluffy. The mixture is ready when it is thick enough to leave a trail on the surface when the whisk is lifted out.
Folding in the flour should be done light-handedly and quickly so as not to deflate the air bubbles captured in the beaten egg mixture.
Fill the cake pan immediately as the batter will lose volume if it is left standing for too long. Hold the bowl over the ungreased tube pan and gently pour in the batter, turning the pan as you pour so that the batter is even. Use a rubber spatula to cut through the batter several times to ensure even mixing and to dispel air pockets.
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Ten tips for well-being
Ten tips for well-being
Stress releases a chemical reaction in the brain that can disrupt the normal functioning of certain bodily organs. While it may be impossible to banish stress from your life, there are ways to overcome it.
If you're feeling stressed, take a 10-minute break. Breathe deeply, as one tends to take shallow breaths when tense. Inhale slowly, and then exhale, counting eight seconds for each phase. Massaging your forehead and the back of your neck, as well as basic stretching exercises also help relieve tension.
If all else fails however, you can resort to one of the most natural methods of all-time - burst into tears! It's okay to cry. In fact, crying is good because it acts as a tranquiliser, lowering your blood pressure and relaxing your muscles. So go ahead and bawl. It helps!
Include lots of fresh fruit, vegetable,brown bread, pasta and rice in your diet. Cut down on fatty foods like meat, cream, cheese and refined sugar. Skipping meals is an absolute no- no, as it induces bingeing later on.
The ideal diet contains the following: 34% bread, potatoes and cereals +33% vegetables and fruit +12% meat, fish or alternatives + 15% dairy foods + less than 6% fatty or sweet foods. As long as you stick to this healthy dietary regime and are not overeating, you're pumping your body with the right fuel it needs to stay in top form!
If your workplace is nearby, walk instead of drive. Regular exercise is essential, especially for those who lead sedentary lifestyles and are stuck in 9-5 office jobs. Physical activity improves the efficiency of the heart and lungs, builds strong muscles and bones and boosts one's overall health.
To maintain your weight, 30 minutes of added physical activity 3 times a week is all you need. But if you're trying to lose weight, experts suggest exercising 35 to 45 minutes, five times a week.
Vitamin C is believed to be an effective cold remedy as it builds the immune system and helps shorten the duration of colds.
Citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes and spinach are rich sources of vitamin C. Another great gift of nature is garlic, which is good for the heart, and is packed with superb antibiotic and anti-viral properties to stimulate the immune system and help clear up urinary infections. Still more of Mother Nature's wonders that you can benefit from include:
* Basil: Lifts melancholy and soothes headaches.
* Rosemary: Invigorates circulation and stimulates digestion.
* Tarragon: Calms digestive cramps and stops hiccups.
* Chives: Aids digestion of rich foods.
Did you know that smoking 30 cigarettes a day exposes a smoker to the same degree of radiation as someone who has 300 chest X-rays a year! Smoking also reduces bone mass and increases the risk of fractures! Good thinking? Quit smoking, and to ease withdrawal symptoms, avoid taking alcohol, tea and coffee as well as highly seasoned food for the first few weeks.
Go for regular check-ups because many illnesses can be checked if detected in early stages. Women should have a cervical smear test every 3 years and give themselves regular breast examinations. Blood pressure levels should also be checked at least every 5 years.
Are you a weight conscious person? If you are, then you should be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water rids the body of toxins, assists with regularity, and is essential for weight loss. For athletes, water is necessary to replenish lost fluids and prevent cramps.
Do you spend enough time in slumber land? When we sleep,the body regenerates itself while the central nervous system rests. Lack of sleep or insomnia results in moodiness, irritability and poor concentration. Hence, it is not wise to drink coffee, tea or any other stimulating drinks before bedtime. Try warm milk instead, or burning lavender oil incense, which contains great soporific properties.
To keep our bodies in tiptop condition, we need an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals. The best way to do this is to eat a well-balanced diet. However, it can be difficult to eat the right foods on a regular basis. That's why we should stock up on the right vitamin supplements. When you do that, bear in mind that too much of one nutrient may be harmful, so avoid mega-doses unless under medical supervision.
Vitamins are supposed to work in harmony with the body, not overpower it! Remember also that many supplements (e.g. Calcium and vitamin C) are better taken in small, divided doses instead of one full dose, as their nutrients are better absorbed this way.
Does your thinking get a little fuzzy sometimes? Are there times when you can't for the life of you remember a name or a fact? There are a few possible reasons why we get mired in sticky situations like these. Consider these:
* Poor posture: Sitting in a hunched position may be preventing an adequate supply of oxygen from reaching the brain.
* Lack of iron: Iron is necessary for the proper transport of blood to the brain.
* Lack of aerobic activity: Exercise increases the efficiency of oxygen transportation to the brain.
* Lack of B vitamins: Leads to memory loss, poor coordination and mood swings.
* Physical tension and anxiety: Mental performance often hinges on your emotional state. Mental turmoil may excite an adrenalin rush and can briefly enhance memory. But the effect is short-lived and soon confusion will take over. Anyone who has botched a crucial exam or interview can tell you that!
So keep a positive mind always, and memorise this last great tip for the rough times ahead: "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight!"
Stress releases a chemical reaction in the brain that can disrupt the normal functioning of certain bodily organs. While it may be impossible to banish stress from your life, there are ways to overcome it.
If you're feeling stressed, take a 10-minute break. Breathe deeply, as one tends to take shallow breaths when tense. Inhale slowly, and then exhale, counting eight seconds for each phase. Massaging your forehead and the back of your neck, as well as basic stretching exercises also help relieve tension.
If all else fails however, you can resort to one of the most natural methods of all-time - burst into tears! It's okay to cry. In fact, crying is good because it acts as a tranquiliser, lowering your blood pressure and relaxing your muscles. So go ahead and bawl. It helps!
Include lots of fresh fruit, vegetable,brown bread, pasta and rice in your diet. Cut down on fatty foods like meat, cream, cheese and refined sugar. Skipping meals is an absolute no- no, as it induces bingeing later on.
The ideal diet contains the following: 34% bread, potatoes and cereals +33% vegetables and fruit +12% meat, fish or alternatives + 15% dairy foods + less than 6% fatty or sweet foods. As long as you stick to this healthy dietary regime and are not overeating, you're pumping your body with the right fuel it needs to stay in top form!
If your workplace is nearby, walk instead of drive. Regular exercise is essential, especially for those who lead sedentary lifestyles and are stuck in 9-5 office jobs. Physical activity improves the efficiency of the heart and lungs, builds strong muscles and bones and boosts one's overall health.
To maintain your weight, 30 minutes of added physical activity 3 times a week is all you need. But if you're trying to lose weight, experts suggest exercising 35 to 45 minutes, five times a week.
Vitamin C is believed to be an effective cold remedy as it builds the immune system and helps shorten the duration of colds.
Citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes and spinach are rich sources of vitamin C. Another great gift of nature is garlic, which is good for the heart, and is packed with superb antibiotic and anti-viral properties to stimulate the immune system and help clear up urinary infections. Still more of Mother Nature's wonders that you can benefit from include:
* Basil: Lifts melancholy and soothes headaches.
* Rosemary: Invigorates circulation and stimulates digestion.
* Tarragon: Calms digestive cramps and stops hiccups.
* Chives: Aids digestion of rich foods.
Did you know that smoking 30 cigarettes a day exposes a smoker to the same degree of radiation as someone who has 300 chest X-rays a year! Smoking also reduces bone mass and increases the risk of fractures! Good thinking? Quit smoking, and to ease withdrawal symptoms, avoid taking alcohol, tea and coffee as well as highly seasoned food for the first few weeks.
Go for regular check-ups because many illnesses can be checked if detected in early stages. Women should have a cervical smear test every 3 years and give themselves regular breast examinations. Blood pressure levels should also be checked at least every 5 years.
Are you a weight conscious person? If you are, then you should be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water rids the body of toxins, assists with regularity, and is essential for weight loss. For athletes, water is necessary to replenish lost fluids and prevent cramps.
Do you spend enough time in slumber land? When we sleep,the body regenerates itself while the central nervous system rests. Lack of sleep or insomnia results in moodiness, irritability and poor concentration. Hence, it is not wise to drink coffee, tea or any other stimulating drinks before bedtime. Try warm milk instead, or burning lavender oil incense, which contains great soporific properties.
To keep our bodies in tiptop condition, we need an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals. The best way to do this is to eat a well-balanced diet. However, it can be difficult to eat the right foods on a regular basis. That's why we should stock up on the right vitamin supplements. When you do that, bear in mind that too much of one nutrient may be harmful, so avoid mega-doses unless under medical supervision.
Vitamins are supposed to work in harmony with the body, not overpower it! Remember also that many supplements (e.g. Calcium and vitamin C) are better taken in small, divided doses instead of one full dose, as their nutrients are better absorbed this way.
Does your thinking get a little fuzzy sometimes? Are there times when you can't for the life of you remember a name or a fact? There are a few possible reasons why we get mired in sticky situations like these. Consider these:
* Poor posture: Sitting in a hunched position may be preventing an adequate supply of oxygen from reaching the brain.
* Lack of iron: Iron is necessary for the proper transport of blood to the brain.
* Lack of aerobic activity: Exercise increases the efficiency of oxygen transportation to the brain.
* Lack of B vitamins: Leads to memory loss, poor coordination and mood swings.
* Physical tension and anxiety: Mental performance often hinges on your emotional state. Mental turmoil may excite an adrenalin rush and can briefly enhance memory. But the effect is short-lived and soon confusion will take over. Anyone who has botched a crucial exam or interview can tell you that!
So keep a positive mind always, and memorise this last great tip for the rough times ahead: "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight!"
Great tips for recycling
Start recycling at home these holidays.
1. Separate your waste
How do you separate your rubbish? Easy! All you have to do is keep the things you can recycle on one side. For example, glass bottles, soft drink cans and paper.
Then look for recycling bins around your area. Remember, the brown bins are for glass, blue for paper and yellow for aluminium and plastic.
Sometimes, garbage collectors will help you send your stuff for recycling.
Check with them.
2. Reuse old things
You can reuse old things you often throw. Old clothes are great for rags and plastic containers can be used as garden pots.
3. Reduce
Stop buying things that are packed in non-recyclable materials like plastic wrap and styrofoam. Instead, go for paper bags.
Write to me and tell me the ways in which you have started to recyle, reuse or reduce at home.
1. Separate your waste
How do you separate your rubbish? Easy! All you have to do is keep the things you can recycle on one side. For example, glass bottles, soft drink cans and paper.
Then look for recycling bins around your area. Remember, the brown bins are for glass, blue for paper and yellow for aluminium and plastic.
Sometimes, garbage collectors will help you send your stuff for recycling.
Check with them.
2. Reuse old things
You can reuse old things you often throw. Old clothes are great for rags and plastic containers can be used as garden pots.
3. Reduce
Stop buying things that are packed in non-recyclable materials like plastic wrap and styrofoam. Instead, go for paper bags.
Write to me and tell me the ways in which you have started to recyle, reuse or reduce at home.
Lunch date with Jamal Abdillah, Secretaries Week luncheon on April 3
Fans of the Malaysian King of Pop, Jamal Abdillah, will have an opportunity to see him croon at the Secretaries Week luncheon on April 3 at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC).
PWTC is also roping in saxophonist Alif Nasir and Ismaliza Ismail (Isma AF7) to cheer the lunch crowd at the Grand Merdeka Hall.
PWTC chief executive officer, Maxson Abdullah H. Jaafar, said it was PWTC staff who suggested that Jamal perform at the show. He performed at their Mother's Day celebrations over the past two years.
Jamal said that he would grab the guests' attention with a selection of songs that are rarely heard during his live performances.
He named Seniman Menangis, Di Mana Bayanganmu and Keluhan Perantau as some of the songs that he will sing on that day. His repertoire of songs would also include three songs in English.
Isma, of Akademi Fantasia 7 fame, will pay tribute to Whitney Houston with some of the late singer's songs.
PWTC marketing communications director, Fadzilah Said, said the luncheon has been organised to help bosses treat their secretaries to good food and entertainment as a show of appreciation.
"The event however is not only limited to secretaries, as anyone can also make a reservation to enjoy the lunch and show," she said.
There will be two lucky draws for two return tickets to open destinations on Etihad Airways. Guests will also stand a chance to win hotel stays, electrical products and goodie bags sponsored by Kumpulan Media KarangKraf.
There are 110 tables available for that day. A table for 10 starts at RM2,000++ and can go up to RM5,000++. For reservations, call 03-2614 6701/6702.
PWTC is also roping in saxophonist Alif Nasir and Ismaliza Ismail (Isma AF7) to cheer the lunch crowd at the Grand Merdeka Hall.
PWTC chief executive officer, Maxson Abdullah H. Jaafar, said it was PWTC staff who suggested that Jamal perform at the show. He performed at their Mother's Day celebrations over the past two years.
Jamal said that he would grab the guests' attention with a selection of songs that are rarely heard during his live performances.
He named Seniman Menangis, Di Mana Bayanganmu and Keluhan Perantau as some of the songs that he will sing on that day. His repertoire of songs would also include three songs in English.
Isma, of Akademi Fantasia 7 fame, will pay tribute to Whitney Houston with some of the late singer's songs.
PWTC marketing communications director, Fadzilah Said, said the luncheon has been organised to help bosses treat their secretaries to good food and entertainment as a show of appreciation.
"The event however is not only limited to secretaries, as anyone can also make a reservation to enjoy the lunch and show," she said.
There will be two lucky draws for two return tickets to open destinations on Etihad Airways. Guests will also stand a chance to win hotel stays, electrical products and goodie bags sponsored by Kumpulan Media KarangKraf.
There are 110 tables available for that day. A table for 10 starts at RM2,000++ and can go up to RM5,000++. For reservations, call 03-2614 6701/6702.
Dark Horlicks Cake Recipe
Dark Horlicks Cake Recipe
10 large eggs
453g margarine
3/4 tin sweetened condensed milk
1-1 glass castor sugar
1 small tin kaya
200g Horlicks
2 glasses Marie powder
3 tsp brown sugar
Cream butter and sugar till creamy. Do not beat. Add in eggs one at a time.
Add kaya, milk, Horlicks and Marie powder. Fold well. Add brown sugar.
Pour in a grease-proof 30cm cake tin. Cover well with alumininum foil.
Steam for four hours.
10 large eggs
453g margarine
3/4 tin sweetened condensed milk
1-1 glass castor sugar
1 small tin kaya
200g Horlicks
2 glasses Marie powder
3 tsp brown sugar
Cream butter and sugar till creamy. Do not beat. Add in eggs one at a time.
Add kaya, milk, Horlicks and Marie powder. Fold well. Add brown sugar.
Pour in a grease-proof 30cm cake tin. Cover well with alumininum foil.
Steam for four hours.
Cookies And Cream Truffles Recipe
Recipe: Cookies And Cream Truffles
1 cup finely ground Oreo® Cookies
12 T melted butter
6 oz. white chocolate, broken into small pieces
5 egg yolks
1 1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
#Makes about 40 truffles
Note: Pregnant or nursing women, young children or any with an immune deficiency should not eat foods made with raw eggs.
Chop cookies in a blender or food processor until finely chopped.
Slowly drizzle in 6 tablespoons of melted butter and process till well mixed. Set aside.
Heat remaining 6 tablespoons of butter in a small saucepan until very hot and bubbly (be careful not to let it burn).
Remove from heat and add the white chocolate.
Stir constantly until smooth and melted. Set aside.
In a large bowl, beat egg yolks until foamy. Beat in the sugar gradually, add vanilla and continue to beat until thick . With mixer on slow to medium speed, gradually beat in the cookie mixture,then gradually beat in the melted chocolate mixture. Beat until smooth and well mixed.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least thirty minutes or until firm.
Place your choice of coating in a bowl. If you're going to have more than one, use separate bowls.
Some possible coating choices are: toasted coconut, chopped nuts, unsweetened cocoa, powdered
chocolate, crushed Oreo® Cookies.
Scoop out a teaspoon full of the truffle mixture and, using your fingers, roll it into a ball. Work quickly as the heat of your hand will quickly start melting the chocolate. Drop ball in the coating bowl.
Repeat the process until there are 4 or 5 balls in the coating bowl. Gently roll the truffles in the coating mixture and a sheet of waxed paper.
Wrap truffles in an air tight container and store in the refrigerator for up to ten days or in the freezer for up to a month.
1 cup finely ground Oreo® Cookies
12 T melted butter
6 oz. white chocolate, broken into small pieces
5 egg yolks
1 1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
#Makes about 40 truffles
Note: Pregnant or nursing women, young children or any with an immune deficiency should not eat foods made with raw eggs.
Chop cookies in a blender or food processor until finely chopped.
Slowly drizzle in 6 tablespoons of melted butter and process till well mixed. Set aside.
Heat remaining 6 tablespoons of butter in a small saucepan until very hot and bubbly (be careful not to let it burn).
Remove from heat and add the white chocolate.
Stir constantly until smooth and melted. Set aside.
In a large bowl, beat egg yolks until foamy. Beat in the sugar gradually, add vanilla and continue to beat until thick . With mixer on slow to medium speed, gradually beat in the cookie mixture,then gradually beat in the melted chocolate mixture. Beat until smooth and well mixed.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least thirty minutes or until firm.
Place your choice of coating in a bowl. If you're going to have more than one, use separate bowls.
Some possible coating choices are: toasted coconut, chopped nuts, unsweetened cocoa, powdered
chocolate, crushed Oreo® Cookies.
Scoop out a teaspoon full of the truffle mixture and, using your fingers, roll it into a ball. Work quickly as the heat of your hand will quickly start melting the chocolate. Drop ball in the coating bowl.
Repeat the process until there are 4 or 5 balls in the coating bowl. Gently roll the truffles in the coating mixture and a sheet of waxed paper.
Wrap truffles in an air tight container and store in the refrigerator for up to ten days or in the freezer for up to a month.
You'll need
5kg lamb shoulder, trim excess fat and cut into cubes
750ml coconut milk
50g dried chilli
300g kerisik
35g palm sugar
25g sugar
30g salt
25g kaffir lime leaves
2 pcs turmeric leaves
25g kurma powder
Blend together:
250 g shallot
250g red onion
75g garlic
50g ginger
50g galangal
50g turmeric
150g lemongrass
25g candle nut
1. In a wok, boil coconut milk and blended dried chilli until cooked.
2. Add blended ingredients, cooked for half an hour, until fragrant.
3. Add in kurma powder and lamb shoulder. Cook until lamb is tender.
4. Add kerisik, palm sugar, sugar and salt. Cook till gravy thickens.
5. Add in julienne kaffir lime leaves and turmeric leaves and cook for another 10 minutes.
Yield: 10 portions
You'll need
5kg lamb shoulder, trim excess fat and cut into cubes
750ml coconut milk
50g dried chilli
300g kerisik
35g palm sugar
25g sugar
30g salt
25g kaffir lime leaves
2 pcs turmeric leaves
25g kurma powder
Blend together:
250 g shallot
250g red onion
75g garlic
50g ginger
50g galangal
50g turmeric
150g lemongrass
25g candle nut
1. In a wok, boil coconut milk and blended dried chilli until cooked.
2. Add blended ingredients, cooked for half an hour, until fragrant.
3. Add in kurma powder and lamb shoulder. Cook until lamb is tender.
4. Add kerisik, palm sugar, sugar and salt. Cook till gravy thickens.
5. Add in julienne kaffir lime leaves and turmeric leaves and cook for another 10 minutes.
Yield: 10 portions
Recipe: Cream Caramel
Cream Caramel Recipe
You'll need:
5 tsp granulated sugar
1/2 cup low fat milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1. Preheat oven to 140 Degrees Celsius. To make the caramel, heat 5 teaspoons of sugar in a small saucepan on medium heat. (Shake pan occasionally to dissolve the sugar, but don't stir!) The syrup will slowly boil and turn brown. Remove from heat and immediately pour into ramekin dish.
2. In another saucepan, heat milk with ½ cup sugar and bring to the boil. Stir in vanilla. In a sturdy bowl, whisk the eggs for a minute or two. Whisk in the hot milk, slowly at first to avoid cooking the eggs. Whisk to mix completely.
3. Pour (or ladle if that works better for you) the milk mixture on top of the caramel into the ramekins. Place the ramekins in the oven.
4. Bake for 40 minutes to an hour (baking time depends on the size of ramekin). The custard is done when it has set (you can check by inserting a stick).
5. Remove and allow to cool completely. Then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
6. To serve, run a spatula along the rim of the ramekin and turn over onto a dessert plate.
Nutritional content per serving: calorie: 105 kcal, protein: 4.5g, carbohydrate: 15.4g, fat: 2.8g, cholesterol: 70mg, dietary fibre: 0g
You'll need:
5 tsp granulated sugar
1/2 cup low fat milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1. Preheat oven to 140 Degrees Celsius. To make the caramel, heat 5 teaspoons of sugar in a small saucepan on medium heat. (Shake pan occasionally to dissolve the sugar, but don't stir!) The syrup will slowly boil and turn brown. Remove from heat and immediately pour into ramekin dish.
2. In another saucepan, heat milk with ½ cup sugar and bring to the boil. Stir in vanilla. In a sturdy bowl, whisk the eggs for a minute or two. Whisk in the hot milk, slowly at first to avoid cooking the eggs. Whisk to mix completely.
3. Pour (or ladle if that works better for you) the milk mixture on top of the caramel into the ramekins. Place the ramekins in the oven.
4. Bake for 40 minutes to an hour (baking time depends on the size of ramekin). The custard is done when it has set (you can check by inserting a stick).
5. Remove and allow to cool completely. Then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
6. To serve, run a spatula along the rim of the ramekin and turn over onto a dessert plate.
Nutritional content per serving: calorie: 105 kcal, protein: 4.5g, carbohydrate: 15.4g, fat: 2.8g, cholesterol: 70mg, dietary fibre: 0g
Grilled Fish With Lemon Sauce Recipe
Recipe: Grilled Fish With Lemon Sauce
You'll need:
2 portions white fish (150g)
2 tbsp olive oil
12 asparagus shoots
2 cauliflower florets
1/2 cup capsicum (red and green), chopped
1 small onion, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Drizzle olive oil on fish. Marinate with salt and pepper and grill.
2. Heat oil in pan. Saute the cauliflower, red and green capsicum and onion. Blanch the asparagus.
3. Arrange fish and vegetables on a plate.
4. Drizzle lemon sauce on the grilled fish or at the side of the plate.
5. Garnish with a slice of lemon and spring onions.
For Lemon Sauce
2 lemons, juiced
1 tbsp custard powder
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1. In a saucepan, heat the lemon juice with sugar and salt.
2. Dissolve the custard powder with 2 tablespoons of water and add to pan.
3. Stir continuously until mixed thoroughly.
Nutrition content per serving: energy: 438 kcal, carbohydrates: 19.5g, protein: 29.2g, fat: 27g, cholesterol: 97mg, dietary fibre: 3.3g
You'll need:
2 portions white fish (150g)
2 tbsp olive oil
12 asparagus shoots
2 cauliflower florets
1/2 cup capsicum (red and green), chopped
1 small onion, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Drizzle olive oil on fish. Marinate with salt and pepper and grill.
2. Heat oil in pan. Saute the cauliflower, red and green capsicum and onion. Blanch the asparagus.
3. Arrange fish and vegetables on a plate.
4. Drizzle lemon sauce on the grilled fish or at the side of the plate.
5. Garnish with a slice of lemon and spring onions.
For Lemon Sauce
2 lemons, juiced
1 tbsp custard powder
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1. In a saucepan, heat the lemon juice with sugar and salt.
2. Dissolve the custard powder with 2 tablespoons of water and add to pan.
3. Stir continuously until mixed thoroughly.
Nutrition content per serving: energy: 438 kcal, carbohydrates: 19.5g, protein: 29.2g, fat: 27g, cholesterol: 97mg, dietary fibre: 3.3g
Vinegar Ripened Tomato Salad Recipe
Vinegar Ripened Tomato Salad Recipe
You'll need
2 heads red and green coral lettuce
6 cherry tomatoes
1 tomato, sliced
1/4 green capsicum, sliced
1/4 red capsicum, sliced
2 tbsp carrot, grated
1 stalk spring onion (optional, for garnishing)
For dressing
1/2 tbsp vinegar
1 small lemon, juice
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Arrange the lettuce on a plate and place the sliced tomatoes and cherry tomatoes at one side.
2. Add sliced red and green capsicum and grated carrot on top of the lettuce.
3. Mix well dressing ingredients and drizzle over the salad.
Nutritional content per serving: Calorie: 84 kcal, protein: 2.4 kcal, carbohydrate: 7.1g, fat: 5.1g,cholesterol: Nil, dietary fibre: 1.4g
All recipes serve two. Bon appetit!
You'll need
2 heads red and green coral lettuce
6 cherry tomatoes
1 tomato, sliced
1/4 green capsicum, sliced
1/4 red capsicum, sliced
2 tbsp carrot, grated
1 stalk spring onion (optional, for garnishing)
For dressing
1/2 tbsp vinegar
1 small lemon, juice
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Arrange the lettuce on a plate and place the sliced tomatoes and cherry tomatoes at one side.
2. Add sliced red and green capsicum and grated carrot on top of the lettuce.
3. Mix well dressing ingredients and drizzle over the salad.
Nutritional content per serving: Calorie: 84 kcal, protein: 2.4 kcal, carbohydrate: 7.1g, fat: 5.1g,cholesterol: Nil, dietary fibre: 1.4g
All recipes serve two. Bon appetit!
Resepi Ayam Kukus Halia
500 gm ayam (bahagian paha )
4 sudu teh lada putih
1 sudu besar minyak bijan
2 sudu besar madu
150 gm halia (dikisar halus )
100 gm bawang putih (dikisar halus )
100 gm bawang merah (dikisar halus )
50 gm daun sup (dihiris halus )
50 gm daun bawang (dihiris halus )
garam secukup rasa
1. Bersihkan ayam dan gaul bersama bahan-bahan yang telah dikisar
2. Masukkan dan gaul dengan lada putih ,minyak bijan dan madu
3. Biarkan seketika selama sejam
4. kemudian kukus ayam tersebut sehingga masak
500 gm ayam (bahagian paha )
4 sudu teh lada putih
1 sudu besar minyak bijan
2 sudu besar madu
150 gm halia (dikisar halus )
100 gm bawang putih (dikisar halus )
100 gm bawang merah (dikisar halus )
50 gm daun sup (dihiris halus )
50 gm daun bawang (dihiris halus )
garam secukup rasa
1. Bersihkan ayam dan gaul bersama bahan-bahan yang telah dikisar
2. Masukkan dan gaul dengan lada putih ,minyak bijan dan madu
3. Biarkan seketika selama sejam
4. kemudian kukus ayam tersebut sehingga masak
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