Great tips for recycling

Start recycling at home these holidays.

1. Separate your waste
How do you separate your rubbish? Easy! All you have to do is keep the things you can recycle on one side. For example, glass bottles, soft drink cans and paper.
Then look for recycling bins around your area. Remember, the brown bins are for glass, blue for paper and yellow for aluminium and plastic.
Sometimes, garbage collectors will help you send your stuff for recycling.
Check with them.

2. Reuse old things
You can reuse old things you often throw. Old clothes are great for rags and plastic containers can be used as garden pots.

3. Reduce
Stop buying things that are packed in non-recyclable materials like plastic wrap and styrofoam. Instead, go for paper bags.
Write to me and tell me the ways in which you have started to recyle, reuse or reduce at home.


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