Banana Bread Pudding Recipe

Banana Bread Pudding Recipe

Well guys, you can easily prepare simple snacks using what you usually have in the kitchen - bread.


Ingredients A:

250g brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
5 eggs (6 if small size)
800ml fresh milk
1 tsp vanilla essence

Ingredients B:

4 bananas (cut into mini cubes)
24 slices High 5 bread
150g butter
100g almond/walnut
70g raisin
Cherries for garnishing


1. Mix Ingredients A in a bowl and beat until even.

2. Remove the bread crust and evenly butter each slice.

3. Layer the bread on a baking dish and add raisins, bananas and almond or
walnuts. Top with another layer of bread on top.

4. Repeat step 3 until all the bread is used up.

5. Pour Ingredients A on the layered bread and leave it awhile to soak through.

6. Sprinkle cherries and raisins on top.

7. Bake or steam at 160 degrees Celcius for 25 minutes.


1. Press the layers down with your hand to make sure Ingredients A are well absorbed.

2. Lining the tray with foil will make it easier to remove the pudding after baking.


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