Why Whole Grains?

An easy step you can take to improve your health dramatically is incorporating whole grains into your daily diet. The hard part is finding true 100% whole grains. When you buy bread for example, most of it's enriched white bread made to look like wheat. During processing all the nutrients that were put there by nature have been stripped, by law they have to add the B-vitamins back to prevent widespread deficiency diseases.

Benefits of whole grain products include:

* Soluble fiber which can lower LDL cholesterol
* Help protect against cardiovascular disease
* Full of countless chemicals which we have yet to discover for optimal health
* Fiber leads to satiety which leads to less consumption

Other whole grains you can add to your daily diet include quinoa, millet, steel cut oats, couscous, rye, and buckwheat. Begin today by reading the ingredients in your grain products, more often than not you'll find enriched in most of them.


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